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Larry Kotlikoff’s Commentaries

President Biden and members of Congress have offered several proposals to lower Americans’ $1.6 trillion in outstanding student debt. As...

A Smarter and Fairer Student Loan Fix

If you follow my writings, you’ll know that I often write about matters of personal finance using my company’s economics-based, personal...

Joe Biden’s Tax Plan

Home testing and ‘digital passports’ could stop outbreaks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it’ll be mid-2021 before a...

Kotlikoff and Mina on Home Testing for Covid

Saving means different things to different people. To some, it means putting money in the bank. To others, it means buying stocks or...

Kotlikoff:  We Are Not Saving Enough

Back in April, I wrote about Bank of America’s horrible handling of Payroll Protection Loans. I wrote about a case I knew — my own. After...

BofA Behaving Badly – Again

Short of a game-changing vaccine, our only sure way of ending COVID-19 before it kills or sickens millions more of us is testing every...

A Manhattan Project for Covid

Republican tax reform could have been better. An ideal reform, originally proposed by Paul Ryan would have produced a of 20.5 percent...

Corporate Tax Reform that Pays for Itself

With easy-to-use tests, everyone can check themselves every day. Simple at-home tests for the coronavirus, some that involve spitting...

Kotlikoff in the NYT:  A Cheap, Simple Way to Control Covid

So far, 117,000 Americans have died of Covid-19. The CDC projects Covid-19 deaths at 1,000 per day over the next month. At this rate, the...

What’s Wrong with Trump’s Response to Covid?

The Washington Post just named its top 11 vice presidential picks for Joe Biden. They’re all women, and they’re all Democrats. Each is...

Best Biden VP Choice: Condoleezza Rice

Marginal Net Taxation of Americans’ Labor Supply The U.S. has a plethora of federal and state tax and benefit programs, each with its own...

Study: Government Will Take Almost Half of Your Lifetime Income

Understanding why some countries are literally getting killed by COVID-19 and others aren’t is of critical importance. The countries that...

Masking Is Our Only Answer

Dear Drs. Fauci and Birx, You are working tirelessly and heroically to fight Coronavirus. I and hundreds of millions of other Americans...

Kotlikoff:  How to Reopen the Economy in One Month

Containing the ever-mounting butcher’s bill from Covid-19 will be hard enough. Getting the economy back on track when universal testing...

Kotlikoff: Beating COVID-19 with Math

It’s been only three months, but 33.5 million Americans have already lost their jobs. The unemployment rate, now 15 percent, will soon...

Five Financial Secrets to Surviving the Greatest Depression

The effect of the coronavirus pandemic on our sense of economic confidence will have everything to do with how long we are stuck inside,...

America will Become a Nation of Savers

The Bank of America, my small company’s bank of 27 years, is now being sued by small businesses for shutting my and other small...

Where Did the Paycheck Protection Money Go?

Cashing out your 401(k) and using the proceeds to pay off your mortgage lets you borrow at a low rate and invest at a high rate and do so...

Could Cashing Out Your 401(k) To Pay Off Your Mortgage Make You A Bundle?

How to get the economy safely back to work in just 2 weeks Our country desperately needs a coronavirus end game. Putting the country into...

Kotlikoff: Back to work in Two Weeks

A Social Security Application Mistake Or A Malicious Policy With Frightening Consequences? Richard has spent over 80 hours trying to fix...

Kotlikoff: How Social Security is Conning Seniors

Group testing all Americans every day is our surefire secret weapon to save potentially millions of lives and immediately restart the...

Kotlikoff: we need group testing, every day

This is the perfect macroeconomic storm — a tremendous supply-side shock due to inability to work compounded by threats to the global...

Market Tailspin: How Bad Could Things get?

In 2008 the S&P fell half off its peak and nothing physical happened to the economy. Now we have two very physical things — supply and...

Will the Stock Market Drop by Half?

Trump payroll tax cut won’t stop coronavirus becoming a financial crisis. Here’s what might. It’s one thing to use monetary and fiscal...

Can we Stop the coronavirus from Creating a financial Crisis?

It’s the $85 trillion (global GDP) question: Will the coronavirus kill the global economy? What we know is incredibly scary. The disease...

Will the Coronavirus Kill the global Economy?

It’s the $85 trillion (global GDP) question: Will the coronavirus kill the global economy? What we know is incredibly scary. The disease...

Kotlikoff on the Coronavirus

Leveraging posterity’s prosperity Laurence Kotlikoff – 19 February 2020 The US has spent the entire post-war period running a massive and...

Kotlikoff: Why We’re Going Broke

Laurence Kotlikoff (Contributor) Sue has learned an extremely painful lesson, which, in her case, will materially lower her living...

Costly Surprises are Hidden in Medicare’s Rules

Laurence Kotlikoff (Contributor) Two years ago today, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released their report A-09-18-50559 which...

Social Security Cheated 11,000 Widows Out of $130 Million

How many of you are dreading the breakout of political warfare over Christmas dinner? I am and I’m not even formally eligible to...

A Jewish Economist Saves Christmas

Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are catching lots of flak for the cost of their “Medicare for All” (MFA)...

Kotlikoff: Real Federal Debt is $239 trillion

Unless you’re super rich or super poor, you’re probably going to take out a mortgage at some point in your life to buy a house. The...

Kotlikoff: Why You Should Pay Down Your Mortgage

In a recent column, I pointed out that mortgages can be major financial and tax losers. In particular, I used my company’s Maxifi...

Why Paying Down You Mortgage May Be Better than Investing in a 401(k)

In 2015 and again in 2018, I wrote about the Social Security Administration (SSA) defrauding, whether intentionally or not, large numbers...

Want To Sue Social Security? This May Be Your Chance

Economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman of the University of California, Berkeley are advising Elizabeth Warren’s presidential...

Kotlikoff in the WSJ: Myths of Warrenomics

Mrs. Jimmy Rogers of Houston, Texas, was disabled in 1996 in an aircraft accident while working for American Airlines. To this day she is...

Kotlikoff: Family Endures 13 Years of Social Security Abuse

Our country is split down the middle on man-made climate change. Roughly half of us believe it’s real, and half of us believe it’s fake....

Kotlikoff: The Case for a Carbon Tax

Traditional banks borrow money and fail when they can’t repay. The result, as the Great Recession showed, is potential economic...

Kotlikoff: The Banking System is Ripping Off Ordinary Depositors

My Preferred Planning Software is MaxiFi I’ve been working on a research paper with UNC econometrician, Neville Francis for the past year...

Laurence Kotlikoff, Interview with Retirement Cafe About Retirement Planning

If you have children, the quality of schools is critical. But, in general, the question to economists, of which I’m one, is the expense...

Laurence Kotlikoff, What Should First-Time Home Buyers Consider When Choosing a Neighbourhood?

Like many Americans, I’d support any of the more than 20 Democratic presidential candidates over the current occupant of the White House....

How Mayor Pete can win the presidency with one precise letter

United Income, a financial planning advisory service, just released an important study called, “The Retirement Solution Hiding In Plain...

The $3.4 Trillion Retirees Aren’t Getting From Social Security

Three days ago, I posted a column showing that Social Security is mailing out wildly incorrect benefit statements. I say statements...

Laurence Kotlikoff, Is Social Security Being Hacked? The Wildly Incorrect Social Security Benefit St

As I’ve written in the past, you can’t rely on Social Security to provide accurate information on your options. In my experience, over...

Social Security Is Mailing Out Incorrect Benefit Statements

Whether the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) disproportionately helped the rich may be 2020’s biggest political issue. Treasury Secretary...

Kotlikoff: Tax law is more progressive because of tax reform

There are plenty of scam artists trying to separate us from our Social Security benefits. The list, as incredible as it may seem,...

Kotlikoff: Social Security is defrauding people

Social Security is Broke Social Security’s annual Trustees Report came out recently, and it showed Social Security ran a gigantic $9...

Kotlikoff: Social Security’s deficit just rose by $9 trillion

The Major Technology Breakthrough to Guide Portfolio Choice by Laurence Kotlikoff, 4/22/19 Optimizing retirement outcomes means funding...

Kotlikoff: Optimal Retirement Planning

A new study shows that the benefits of tax reform vary widely – and state taxes are the most important reason. The study is produced by...

Kotlikoff:  Tax Reform in Red and Blue
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