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Outside The Box

The Pete Du Pont Commentaries

The coming political year, with presidential, House and Senate elections, will be one of the most interesting (and important) ones we...

Bye Bye Biden?

The Iowa Republican presidential candidate debate was very well done. Fox News people had good questions, Republican presidential...

President Obama’s Slip

Before being elected in 2008, Barack Obama said: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”...

Four More Years?

Our America today is very different from the America of some years ago. Government spending is greatly increased, as is the regulation of...

The Anti­-Energy President

It’s time to end the federal subsidy for public broadcasting. Doing so now would be good for President Obama, Congress and the American...

Big Bird Should Leave the Nest.

The debate about military action in Syria seems over for now, and Washington is back in campaign mode. We have a president who seems to...

The Beltway Stalemate

Many argue the coalition that elected and re-­elected Barack Obama represents a long-­term shift in the electorate that will determine...

The Democratic Majority Is Doomed

The domestic policies of the Obama administration evince a lack of understanding and experience in how an economy functions and grows....

Peace Through Strength: Still a Good Idea

Not surprisingly, President Obama and Speaker John Boehner have different views on energy policy, differences brought into stark contrast...

Obama’s Anti-­Energy Agenda

Barack Obama entered the White House with the promise of restoring our nation’s standing in the world. Suffering from war fatigue and...

Obama’s Foreign Failure

America’s most worrisome problem may not be the failed takeover of our healthcare system. It may not be our languishing economy or even...

Our Gravest Peril

Global warming is back. Not actual global warming, as the decades long trend of little to no increase in temperatures continues. But the...

Global Warming Heats Up

Among the too numerous frustrations of the political process is that a lot of smart and talented people spend their time and energy...

The Real Inequality Problem

This will be the last of my columns for this publication, so I thought it fitting to note the views that have most influenced these...


The midterm elections are just over seven months away and the left has unleashed its usual rhetoric about the Republican “war on women.”...

The Left’s “Wars”

Is it, as President Reagan’s re­election commercial said, “morning in America”? Back then it was, but not anymore; it is economic evening...

Nightfall in America

Late Sunday night America made its largest public­-policy course change since the 1930’s: Congress moved 17% of our national economy from...

Welcome to Europe

A cultural battle is under way in America, a battle between, in columnist Michael Barone’s, words, “the culture of dependence and the...

Will the VAT Lady Sing?

The amount of energy America’s economy consumes is rising, and oil is a significant portion of its generation. But the domestic...

Americans Know the Drill

A year ago the Waxman-­Markey energy regulation bill passed the House. Now before the Senate is the Kerry­-Lieberman energy regulation...

Generation Gap

America’s economy is failing to produce jobs, increase growth or raise confidence, and it will likely get even worse next year. Our...

Hillary Clinton for President

Summer is almost ended, and Americans are growing more and more skeptical about the coming fall- ­­about our lack of jobs, our bigger and...

Stop the Madness!

How big has the government grown under the Obama administration? “The average level of U.S. government spending as a percentage of GDP...

Finally, Some Hope

Everyone in this state knew that Rep. Mike Castle was going to be our next U.S. senator. He had served as a state legislator, lieutenant...

Delaware’s Decision

Barack Obama promised to change America, and he did. Federal spending has increased in two years to $3.72 trillion from $2.98 trillion, a...

Turning America Around

For two years Washington has been moving left – ­bigger spending, expanding regulation and a continual increase in government debt. In...

Target: ObamaCare

A year ago today President Obama signed into law the broadest, most expensive, most intrusive health­-care bill in our history. So we the...

A Very Bad Year

America is now facing the most difficult governmental choices since the end of World War II, 66 years ago. Back then our debt as a...

Time to Choose

The U.S. Treasury reports that the federal government ran up $870 billion in red ink in the first seven months of this fiscal year. That...

Four More Dollars?

America’s economy is in the doldrums again. Economic growth is weak—just 1.8% a year in the last quarter. Government spending is...

Can This Economy Be Saved?

Last year I wrote that the enactment of ObamaCare meant “the Europeanization of America is coming to pass, for individual choice and...

The Antidote for Socialism

The Standard & Poor’s downgrade of U.S. debt is the latest fruit of the Obama administration’s big­ government policies. Ask Americans...

Change for the Worse

In the last few years, as promised, the Obama administration has fundamentally transformed America. Our country is now in serious...

More of the Same Old Change
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